Swarm of juvenile Sterlet found by WWF Bulgaria during monitoring expedition

Such unusual gathering of juvenile sturgeon is caused by a destroyed river ecosystem in the region. During a planned monitoring expedition, part of “LIFE for Danube Sturgeons” project, the WWF Bulgaria team of experts registered 100 young Sterlet, found close to Vetren village, on the Bulgarian part of the Danube River. “The unusual gathering of […]
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Rare Russian Sturgeon caught and safely released into the Danube brings new hopes

On June 5, Rosen Bonov, a fisherman from the Bulgarian town of Belene on the Danube river, contacted our WWF team with the news that a young sturgeon has been caught in his nets. The species was identified as Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), probably hatched last year. Our WWF Bulgarian team of sturgeon experts measured […]
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