On May 10 in Kiev, more than thirty representatives from key law enforcement agencies, scientific institutions and other important stakeholders, gathered at a national workshop, organised by WWF Ukraine, on the topic: “Existing national legislation on protection, breeding and trade of sturgeons in Ukraine”.
Prior to the event, as part of the “LIFE for Danube Sturgeons” project activities, WWF Ukraine, in cooperation with legal experts, conducted a study on the existing national regulations for the protection of wild sturgeons in Ukraine. Under examination were four main areas: protection of wild populations; aquaculture; trade on the domestic market of Ukraine and international trade of sturgeon products.
The workshop provided an opportunity for WWF Ukraine not only to present the results of the research, but also to collect up-to-date information from the attending experts on the status, problems, and needs of sturgeon conservation in Ukraine. At a facilitated session the participants gave their recommendations for the further implementation of the proposals, formulated in the preparatory study.
“The experts appreciated the study results and our recommendations for changes in legislation and enforcement. It was very important for us to hear their opinion and advice.” – says Natalia Gozak, coordinator of LIFE for Danube Sturgeons project in Ukraine – “Now we know what changes are needed to ensure more effective state regulation for the conservation of sturgeons. And the political will for the implementation of protective measures is now more important than ever. We hope that experts and stakeholders will continue to support our efforts. The work must go on jointly and at full speed.”