WWF Prepared a New Information Package to Prosecutors

A new brochure, related to infringements of sturgeon protection legislation, addresses prosecutors in Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine. The need for more information for legal professionals on wildlife protection legislation has been expressed by experts from within and outside the system. It is becoming even more important that prosecutors are aware of the significance of this legislation, as more wildlife cases reach court. The information package is prepared as part of LIFE Programme co-funded project “LIFE for Danube Sturgeons” and its main goal is to increase the awareness of prosecutors on the most significant issues that prevent effective protection of the world’s most endangered group of species. Currently, such cases are mostly dealt with in administrative court and few investigations are conducted to reveal the real extent of wildlife crime in the four target countries. 

Together with the legal framework, the brochure also presents a few example sturgeon court cases, which were resolved in the project countries. It gives a synopsis of infringement, the legal arguments and the court’s decision. This is the first of a WWF series of information materials, aimed at prosecutors and investigators. If you are a legal professional and interested in this topic, please contact us and we will provide further information about WWF’s planned activities and materials. 

The brochure can be downloaded from this website in English and is also translated in the project languages – Bulgarian, Romanian, Serbian and Ukrainian.