Sturgeons became the celebrities of Dâmbovița River on Saturday, 29th of July, 2017, at the third edition of the Dâmbovița Smart River event, which was held in front of the National Library of Bucharest.
The event is part of a series of measures whose purpose is to address the environmental restoration in the midst of those urban locations that are already suffocated by traffic and pollution and to provide their residents with alternative solutions for spending time in the city, for example, at the main city’s river offering a number of beautiful and healthy recreational activities. This year, the Romanian “LIFE for Danube Sturgeons” team together with colleagues from WWF-Romania and volunteers participated in the canoe competition organised on the Dâmbovița River, finishing 4th place in the race.

The team’s members shared:
„It was a great opportunity to meet and interact with the people from Bucharest, whom we do not normally meet. We had a lot of discussions about sturgeons and their importance for the Danube and the people who live on the banks of the river; we talked about poaching and the great likelihood of these endangered species to go extinct if we don’t change our way of thinking and acting. We had the chance to discover together the reasons why no one has heard of European Sturgeon or Ship Sturgeon and to let people know that these two species have not been seen in the Danube for decades.“
„Our story will continue in a month in Tulcea where the activities organised by our friends from Rowmania will culminate at the RowmaniaFest festival, 1st-3rd September 2017. See you there!“