30 Kilos of Sturgeon Found by the Romanian Border Police in a Car Trunk

On April 20, 2020 WWF-Romania reports that 66 frozen Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) were discovered by the Romanian Border Police in a car trunk in Tulcea County. In Romania, it has been illegal to fish for sturgeon since 2006. According to the IUCN, sturgeons are the most endangered group of species on the planet. 

Border Police officers stopped the car during a routine check. Two Romanian citizens from Tulcea County, aged 33 and 35, were in the car,” – says a statement published by the Border Police. “During the check of the vehicle, officers discovered 30 kg (66 pieces) of frozen Sterlet with no accompanying legal documentation.” 


Even though the Sterlets were dead, legal provisions require that law enforcement return them to their natural environment. Criminal proceedings were initiated against the men.


For more information:

Alexandra Damian, Communication Officer


adamian@wwf.ro  / Tel: +40 21 317 49 96