What it takes to be a sturgeon saver

As part of the “LIFE FOR DANUBE STURGEONS” project, WWF has been working hard to urge for regional and coordinated actions in the Lower Danube to help sturgeon populations recover. Fighting overexploitation to reverse the trend of catches that have dropped by 99% in the past three decades is a complex process that involves many […]
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On the International Day for Biological Diversity, Endangered Sturgeons Have Received Much-Needed Boost

Brussels, 22 May 2019 – After decades of plummeting numbers due to poaching and habitat loss, Europe’s sturgeons have been given a sign of hope today. The European Commission and experts from EU member states[1] endorsed the implementation of a continent-wide plan to save the species from extinction under the EU Habitats Directive. This will […]
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The Organisation of Bulgarian Scouts and WWF-Bulgaria joined forces to clean up 10 Bulgarian rivers

More than 350 children and young people, members of the Organisation of Bulgarian Scouts, got involved in the cleanup of ten rivers on the territory of Bulgaria. The Scouts’ initiative is in collaboration with WWF Bulgaria, as part of the wildlife organisation’s holistic basin-wide approach to address the variety of threats to fresh water. WWF […]
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The Organisation of Bulgarian Scouts and WWF-Bulgaria joined forces to clean up 10 Bulgarian rivers

More than 350 children and young people, members of the Organisation of Bulgarian Scouts, got involved in the cleanup of ten rivers on the territory of Bulgaria. The Scouts’ initiative is in collaboration with WWF Bulgaria, as part of the wildlife organisation’s holistic basin-wide approach to address the variety of threats to fresh water. WWF […]
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Saving species on the very brink of extinction through conservation restocking

On the 18thof April 2019 two important sturgeon stocking events took place in Baja (Hungary) and Isaccea (Romania) in attempt to stabilise sturgeon populations in the Danube River. These events were part of the MEASURES Project (Managing and Restoring Aquatic Ecological Corridors for Migratory Fish Species in the Danube River Basin) and aim to save and […]
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Galaţi and Jurilovca celebrated their first Earth Hour with breath-taking events organised by the local AYDS clubs

On Saturday, 30 Match 2019, individuals, businesses and cities in 188 countries and territories worldwide joined Earth Hour to speak up for nature and inspire urgent action for the environment. As Earth Hour rolled around the globe, thousands of landmarks switched off their lights in solidarity for the planet. In Galaţi and Jurilovca (Romania), Earth […]
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One More Step Closer to Effective Cross-Border Cooperation on Danube Sturgeon Protection

On the 13th and 14th of March 2019, in Bucharest, regional law enforcement representatives concerned with Danube sturgeon conservation and WWF sturgeon experts from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine participated in the first regional workshop that aimed to share their experiences and build bridges between countries to save these magnificent fish. The Pan European Action Plan […]
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Sterlet fishing ban campaign awarded for „Best non-profit campaign 2018“

Belgrade, Serbia, 20 February 2019 – WWF Adria has been selected among the three winners for “Best non-profit campaign 2018“, for the Sterlet fishing ban campaign that was held in June last year and resulted in Ministry for enviromental protection to completely ban Sterlet fishing in Serbia, with effect from January 2019. The award was […]
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A 3D Sturgeon can be now seen in Vylkovo

The newest attraction of the visitor center of Danube Biosphere Reserve in Vylkovo city is now open – come to meet the 3D sturgeon!   Sturgeon catches have declined by 99% in the past 30 years. In many areas, including the Danube delta in Ukraine, is now illegal to catch wild sturgeons, but the demand […]
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Beluga Sturgeon Saved from Poacher

Sofia, Bulgaria, 22 February 2019 – A female Beluga sturgeon, measuring 2m in length and weighing approx. 200 kg, was saved on February 19th from a poacher near the town of Silistra, Bulgaria. The sturgeon was named “Silvia” by her rescuer. WWF-Bulgaria sturgeon experts went to the scene to tag the precious specimen. The fish was confiscated […]
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Changing attitudes and social norms could be the way forward to effectively address the illegal caviar trade

With caviar trafficking driving endangered sturgeon and paddlefish species towards extinction, a collaborative study released today highlights the negative impact of illegal trade and recommends how wildlife crime across the globe can be addressed. Produced by TRAFFIC, WWF, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre (U4 ACRC), Northumbria and Utrecht Universities, Corruption and wildlife crime: A focus on […]
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Connect2Sturgeons – virtual trip to the world of sturgeons in the Danube Delta

The project Connect2Sturgeons is created in WebVR format, which applies the technology of virtual reality in a web browser. The story of the Connect2Sturgeons interactive journey had been filmed in 2018, in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta. The virtual trip has 5 different scenes, where users can see the Danube Delta and part of the […]
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